Pop-up! Spreading the holiday cheer

Pop-up! Spreading the holiday cheer

In the quest to spread the festive spirit of Christmas to every corner of the globe, the North Pole has conceived a delightful new initiative. This year, Santa has unveiled a new initative: a Holiday Greeting Pop-Up designed for seamless integration into websites. Upon visiting a site, this pop-up will show after a brief interval, showcasing a heartwarming holiday message straight from Santa! Your task is to bring Santa's vision to life by creating this pop-up. It should feature a jolly image of Santa Claus, along with a warm, festive message wishing the visitor a Merry Christmas and happy holidays. You could also transform this Holiday Greeting Pop-Up into an installable package and publish it on GitHub or NPM. This will allow web developers to easily integrate the pop-up into their projects by installing your package.